
Financial Freedom

Hey Blogger Family! My sister Kristi brought the message this morning. Check out what she shared about Financial Freedom.  As one learns to follow these eternal principles in his personal finances, he will know the joy that comes from trusting and obeying God. Remember that all wealth comes from God.  He gives you the power to generate wealth, be it a little or a lot.  Recognizing that wealth is gained through His power and not yours allows you to stay humble. This recognition opens up the doors for Him to bless your hard work through biblical wealth.  Leaving God out of the equation limits the blessing you get from all your hard work.  He can’t multiply it unless you believe that ultimately it all comes from Him. 1. God is Source.  God is the source of everything. Philippians 4:19 says, "My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." 2. Giving in Tithes and in deeds, PROVERBS 3:9-10 “Honor thy Lord with your weal